Health Screening CLC employees are required to partake in daily health screening prior to the start of their work day to ensure they are healthy and able to work. We will continue to mandate that employees showing any cold or flu-like symptoms stay home.
Sanitization We will continue our increased sanitization efforts across all of our facilities.
Social Distancing All CLC employees and visitors are instructed to abide by the 6-feet social distance rule.
We have implemented touchless operations to support mandatory social distancing measures.
We have installed Plexi-Glass Barriers (Sneeze Guards) to protect the child and employees/volunteers from the exposure to respiratory droplets, which are dispensed when coughing, sneezing or even talking.
Personal Protective Equipment CLC Employees will continue to receive personal protective equipment including gloves, disposable masks and hand sanitizer. Further, we will continue to ensure adherence to government guidelines regarding the use of masks and gloves.
New Ways of Working To further ensure the health and safety of our clients and employees, we have an increased emphasis on personal hygiene, and introduced new ways of working to minimize social contact including virtual company communication and virtual new hire training.